Welcome to IIoTNET project website
The IIoTNet project is designed in order to raise awareness and contribute to developing human capital, through upskilling and reskilling of employees among European Companies (including micro companies and SMEs), professionals and VET providers about the potential of IIoT technologies and to give evidence of their applications.
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Partners & Contacts

IPS | Institute for Postgraduate Studies (BG)
Address: Kliment Ohridski, Boulevard 2, Sofia 1797, Bulgaria Email: todorov_t@unwe.bg
Web: http://www.unwe.bg

ITPIO | Institute For Training Of Personnel In International Organisations (BG)
Address: Al. Pushkin 34,
Sofia, Bulgaria
Email: info@itpio.eu
Web: http://www.itpio.eu

PIB | Vocational Education Association (LV)
Address: Nīcgales iela 26 – LV-1035 RIGA
email: ilze.brante@ovt.lv
web : http://www.europea-latvia.lv

TUCEP | Tiber Umbria Comett Education Programme (IT)
Address: Piazza dell’Università, 1 – 06123 Perugia
Email: tucep@tucep.org

Halsingland Education Association (SE)
Address: Hälsinglands Utbildningsförbund 821 80 BOLLNÄS
Email: info@hufb.se
Web: http://www.hufb.se/

AKMI | Anonimi Ekpaideftiki Etairia (EL)
Email: info@iek-akmi.edu.gr
Web: https://www.iek-akmi.edu.gr

ReadLab | Research Innovation and Development Lab P.C. (EL)
Address: Athens. GR
Email: team@read-lab.eu
Web: http://read-lab.eu/

DIMITRA | Dimitra Ekpaiditiki Simvilitiki AE (EL)
Address: Palaiologou 19 – 41223 Thessali
Email: euprojects@dimitra.gr
Web: http://www.dimitra.gr

CSI | Center for Social Innovation (CY)
Address: Rigenis 62, Nicosia, 1010, Cyprus
Email: info@csicy.com
Web: http://csicy.com