IIoTNET“Industrial Internet of Things VET Network” is an ERASMUS+   KA3 – Support for Policy Reform  Networks and Partnerships of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers project. It starts on 01/10/2019 and ends on 24 months.
There are nine project partners from six European countries (Bulgaria, Latvia, Italy, Sweden, Greece, Cyprus).

The aim of the project is to create a VET Network with a certification scheme for professionals, being IIoT developers or users or sales workers, and training them to adapt and adopt a new common framework of best practices of the modern IIoT know-how in order to be able to combine effectively the knowledge and fundamental principles from various areas of expertise of cutting-edge technologies in the IIoT sector and gain a competitive advantage in their carrier path.

Specific objectives are:

  • to support the uptake and mainstreaming of IIoT VET training and to promote the integration of talent development in collaboration with external stakeholders;


  • to create sustainable institutional structures and ICT tools, enabling IIoT training and stakeholder co-creation in talent development;


  • to build IIoT VET providers teaching capacities for delivering innovative training in view of building trainees’ employability skills in fast growing industrial sectors.